

How to Plan an Eco-Friendly Wedding

While wedding planning can be a lot of fun, it can also be pretty stressful. Between trying to find the perfect dress and catering options, it’s easy to forget about some of the more important aspects of your big day. One thing you may want to consider is how eco-friendly your wedding will be! There are lots of ways to make sure your wedding has minimal impact on the environment, and we’re here to show you how! Keep reading for tips on how to have an eco-friendly wedding.

  1. Choose an eco-friendly venue.

If you’re looking for a way to reduce the carbon footprint of your wedding, choosing an eco-friendly venue is a great place to start. LEED-certified venues are a good option, as they are designed to be energy-efficient and use sustainable materials. You can also look for venues that use local produce, recycle and compost, and have a water conservation plan in place. By doing some research ahead of time, you can find a venue that aligns with your values and helps you celebrate your special day in an environmentally responsible way.

recycled paper wedding stationery

2. Use recycled paper for invitations and save the dates.

We all know weddings generate a lot of waste, and one of the largest sources of that waste is in the paper goods that get sent out before the wedding. While they may hang on the refrigerator of your friends and family until the wedding date, they are almost guaranteed trash afterwards. If you aren’t interested in sending completely digital invites, another option is to purchase paper goods made with recycled paper. Many major invitation websites are now offering this option, or you can always get totally customized stationery from a local artisan!

3. Use digital RSVPs.

While it may still be uncommon to have completely digital invitations, digital RSVPs are the norm in 2022! This is a great way to save some paper (and money) – and most wedding website hosts offer this as a service.

4. Give out eco-friendly favors.

Firstly, skipping favors entirely is a completely viable option for your wedding. However, if you feel like you want your guests to have a parting gift to take with them, consider the impact of that item. Consumables like a cookie for the road or a jar of honey are always great options! Most importantly, make sure that it is something that your guests will enjoy and use so it doesn’t end up in a landfill a few weeks later.

locally grown food wedding caterer

5. Serve locally grown food.

A fantastic way to make your wedding more eco-friendly is to carefully source your dinner! A dinner that is made with local in-season ingredients can have a massive impact on your carbon footprint, and who doesn’t love fresh local ingredients?!

6. Rent or buy second-hand decor instead of buying them new.

As you’re planning your eco-friendly wedding, it’s important to remember that this party is only one day. So if you choose to purchase decorations, what are you going to do with them afterward? The best option is to rent items from local vendors or purchase them from other local couples and then resell them after your wedding. Thanks to Facebook Marketplace this process is incredibly easy and there are so many items to choose from! If you give yourself a little time, you’re sure to find something that fits your wedding aesthetic.

wedding party bus

7. Encourage carpooling or eco-friendly methods of transportation to the wedding.

Transportation is an unfortunate reality of your wedding’s environmental impact. If you have family coming from far away, they are likely to take a plane. However, there are still areas in that you can help to reduce travel emissions on your wedding day! For example, providing a bus from the hotel to your venue for your guests can prevent them from all taking individual cars. Even better – book a hotel and venue within walking distance from each other! Choosing a venue that’s on or near public transit routes can also be super helpful in cutting down your carbon footprint.

If you’re looking to have a wedding that is kind to the environment, there are plenty of things you can do to make your day more eco-friendly. From choosing an eco-friendly venue to using recycled paper for invitations and Save The Dates, there are many small changes you can make that will add up in the end. And if you’re worried about going over budget, don’t be! There are plenty of affordable ways to have an environmentally friendly wedding. Our team of wedding planners would love to help you create a beautiful and sustainable event that your guests will love.


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